Social Host Registration
The Office of Residential Life recognizes the value of social gatherings that occur in the residential halls and buildings on campus. Social events help to build community, create social outlets for students, and encourage responsible behaviors. If you, a group of friends, or an organization would like to host gathering, there are a number of guidelines that must be followed. These are outlined on the registration form, which must be filled out and turned in at least 48 hours before the event.
Hall Space Reservation Agreement & Terms of Use
UL-Lafayette affiliated Offices, University-recognized student organizations, and Residential Students are eligible to reserve the designated spaces in the residence halls provided each reserving party agrees to the following guidelines and are subject to the following terms of use:
- Residential Life Staff Members including Resident Assistants, Community Assistants, and Residence Life Student Groups (RHA, Hall Councils, Ambassador Areas) have priority for community room and club house reservations with no scheduling restrictions.
- To make reservations for a space, one must complete the Social Host Registration form and wait to receive approval email as confirmation. These request are submitted online and approved by the Office of Residential Life. Otherwise the Assistant Community Director authorizes approval/non-approval for Space Reservations. In the event that the Area Coordinator is not available, the Assistant Community Director of that community may authorize decisions regarding space use.
- Reservations for non-residence life affiliated functions can be made with no more than four (4) weeks in advance.
- The rooms used for reservation are located within the publicly accessible areas of a residential community. Therefore, the Office of Residence Life reserves the right to refuse any reservation or to terminate any on-going event that will or does violate the courtesy hours and quiet hours policies in the Living On Campus handbook, or which otherwise interfere with academic or other activities of residential students.
- To obtain access to a reserved space, the authorized contact person of the reserving party must arrive at the residence hall and contact the RA on Duty with 15 minutes of the scheduled event. The contact person must retrieve some form of identification from the RA on Duty to identify that the members present are associated with the reserving party.
- The room must be reset and cleaned following any event in the space.
- All tables and chairs must be placed back in their original condition and arrangement at the end of the event. Failing to return the chairs and other equipment to the original layout results in one warning. If the same organization or student fails to put the room back into the original layout a second time, their reservation privileges will be suspended for a period of time to be determined by the Office of Residential Life, with the suspension being no shorter than one (1) semester.
- All recyclable items must be placed in designated receptacles immediately at the conclusion of the event. All trash must be placed in dumpsters outside of the building. Failing to dispose of trash or recyclables properly results in one (1) warning. If the same organization or student fails to remove trash or recyclables immediately or properly, reservation privileges will be suspended for a period of time to be determined by the full time Hall Director or Office of Residence Life, with the suspension being no less than one (1) semester.
- Neither the Office of Residential Life nor Residential Life Staff (RHA, RAs) have the responsibility for additional furnishing, staging, or equipment (sound or otherwise) for use in reserved spaces. It is the responsibility of the reserving party to coordinate any additional technology or furniture needs for the space that are necessary for the event. The Office of Residential Life does not provide additional technology, technology support, or furniture.
- Student organizations, offices or residential students must provide a Student ID Number for damages or charges that may be incurred. This will be requested as part of the reservation process. The group or individual will receive advance notice, in writing, of any charges.
- Reserving parties are responsible for any damages or clean-up charges incurred during the event. The reserving party is responsible for any damages to existing technology, furniture, or the facility. In addition to charges that may be incurred, privileges for reserving the room will be revoked as outlined above.
- All reserving parties must abide by all current ULL policies both University and Department wide.
Failure to follow the Space Reservation Policy, Reservation Agreement and Terms of Use, the Student Code of Conduct or other UL-Lafayette policies will result in additional fees, damage charges, loss of reservation privileges with the Office of Residential Life, and may result in referral to Student Rights and Responsibilities.