Spring Move-In Instructions
Move In Process
- Check in at your assigned residence hall or apartment front desk
Make your way to your unloading zone:
- Bonin and Coronna: Boucher St. (park diagonally while you unload)
- Baker and Huger: Olivier Parking Tower
- Legacy Park and The Heritage: Please park in a parking space to unload. Avoid parking in the fire lanes next to the buildings. Any one parked there will be asked to move.
Unload your belongings
- Residents and two non-resident helpers can begin the unloading process. Remember that you have 20 minutes to unload. After that, you should then move your car to your designated parking area.
- Bring your own dolly or cart to help bring your belongings to your room.
- Please be courteous to other Ragin' Cajuns and move your car as soon as you are done unloading.
Move the resident's car to its designated parking area
- Coronna and Bonin Halls: Taft Parking Tower
- Baker and Huger Halls: Olivier Tower
- Agnes Edwards Hall: Rex Street and Smith Street Lot
- Legacy Park and The Heritage: park by your building
- Any extra cars should park in Girard Parking Tower
Return to your room and start unpacking and decorating
- Make sure to snap a picture of your finished decorated room and share and tag us on social media.